
I’m Sam Hind, a lecturer in digital media and culture at the University of Manchester. I’m based in the department of Art History and Cultural Practices (AHCP), and affiliated with the Centre for Digital Humanities. I’m Programme Director for the newly launched MA in Digital Media, Culture and Society.

I have a forthcoming monograph on the phenomenon of autonomous driving, Driving Decisions: How Autonomous Vehicles Make Sense of the World out with Palgrave (late 2024).

My main research interests are navigational technologies, sensing and the sensor society, algorithmic decision-making, automotive cultures, and mobile play. I am currently researching autonomous driving, the phenomenon of ‘challenges’ in AI, the history of computer simulation, and the platformization of automobility. You can see my publications here.

I was previously a research associate in the Navigation in Online/Offline Spaces project of the Media of Cooperation SFB1187 at the University of Siegen, Germany. Before that I was in Locating Media, and received my PhD from the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies at the University of Warwick, UK. I was also a research assistant on the Playfields project.

I was co-author of Playful Mapping in the Digital Age (2016), and co-editor of both Time for Mapping: Cartographic Temporalities (2018) and Interrogating Datafication: Towards a Praxeology of Data (2022).

My research portal is here: https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/sam.hind.html

You can email me at sam.hind@manchester.ac.uk and I’m on twitter: @samhind10